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Is Credit Repair Legal?Yes. Credit repair is legal in all 50 states. We utilize our credit education to assist with ruling the law in your favor. That law is called the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The FCRA gives consumers the right to dispute any negative account on your credit report even if the debt is yours. If the item cannot be verified with a reasonable amount of time (usually 30 days), it must be removed. Studies have shown that 79% of all credit reports contains errors. That is nearly 8 out of 10 reports.
Do you guarantee you can delete everything negative on my credit report?No one in this business can guarantee you a complete deletion of everything on your credit report. Yet, we are confident that with our expertise, education, and time that we are usually able to delete majority of harmful items affecting your credit (at least 90%). Also, we offer a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee.
How long will it take to raise my score?During the process, 93% of our clients see their credit score increase 30 points or more in the first 35 days. Over the full 6-month term of the contract, the average credit score increase is over 80 points.
What negative accounts can be removed from my credit report?With our assistance, any negative account can be removed. Our clients have had great success with bankruptcies, collections/charge offs, child support, repossessions, evictions, medical bills, student loans, & personal information, etc.
What positive accounts entail a solid, healthy credit profile?We recommend having 4-5 positive accounts reporting on your credit profile. Those accounts consist of 2-3 revolving accounts (secured or unsecured cards) and 2 installment loans (personal, auto or student loans) Lenders prefer an account mixture before extending a line of credit to consumer.
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